LTC Consulting
Michael Salzmann
This quote rings true for many LTC Consulting clients, who repeatedly find product quality a better key to success than quantity. This is especially true for beverage manufacturers, who often achieve their ambitious goals by focusing more on promising niches. Michael Salzmann has witnessed this reality during his years of working in the brewing industry, and even more so after the founding of LTC Consulting.
Michael learned the craft of brewing and malting at the Augustiner Bräu Wagner KG, Munich, Germany. In addition, he completed his studies as a state-certified production manager for brewing and beverage technology at the Doemens e.V. Academy for brewing and beverage technology in Gräfelfing, Germany, followed by his master brewer certification in 2009.
Afterwards, Michael worked as a project manager for machine packaging at a beverage logistics firm in Munich, Germany. He later became the operations manager, and was eventually promoted to the position of Technical Director. He was also employed by Schubert Verpackungsservice GmbH (Schubert Group) for several year.
Michael Salzmann is a seasoned, tech savvy and forward-thinking practitioner. As CEO of LTC Consulting, he utilizes his many years of experience and vast knowledge to help breweries and beverage manufacturers excel in all areas of their business.
Meet Michael Salzmann! You can reach him directly at
+49 151-614 589 86 o via E-Mail